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My company, Lishtot awarded development grant by Grand Challenges Israel

My company, Lishtot awarded development grant by Grand Challenges Israel

January 18, 2015 12:36 pm0 comments

Netanel_rI had nice event today in the Israeli foreign ministry when my company received grant from the Israeli and Canadian foreign ministers.
Lishtot has been selected from 130 Israeli applicants and granted 500,000 NIS for continuing product development. The winners were announced today by the Israeli Chief Scientist, Dr. Avi Hason , Mr. Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and his Canadian counterpart, Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird. Lishtot’s CTO, Dr. Alan Bauer received the grant as Lishtot inventor and scientist, while me as Lishtot’s CEO, gave a presentation about the company and the future of worldwide water testing with Litshtot products.

Netanel Raisch

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