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Patents’ Secrets

Patents’ Secrets

August 15, 2016 1:24 pm0 comments

patents secrets

I wrote a book /guide for people who want to learn more about the reality behind the patents’ industry.

From the preface:

“If you are not a patent attorney I assume that you are an inventor who wants to have a patent for protecting your idea. In case that you are not an inventor you are working in a place who wants to protect your rights as assignee.

And I am also sure that you don’t want to spend good money for nothing. In this book I will tell you from my and my friends’ experiences how to save money while getting a patent.

I have US patents and pending international patent applications, and I think that I learned a lot during the patent process. The point is that even though I learned so many lessons by working with patent attorneys I keep learning new patent attorneys’ tricks… I hope that if I will share with you their common tricks you will not pay the fortune that I already paid.

The book is mainly about utility patents because they are more than 97% of all the patents in USPTO (United States Patents and Trademarks Office). The discussion below is also relevant to other patents types as well.”

If you want to read more you welcome to “Patent’s Secrets – All that which your patent attorney does not want you to know

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