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About Netanel Raisch

Hi, I don’t like to write about myself I asked one of my friend to describe me and the result is below:

Netanel Raisch is an Israeli inventor and entrepreneur.

Thanks to his individual and unique perspective, he has been busy developing innovative inventions, four of which is already patented and ten others that have patents pending. To market these, Netanel has founded several start-up companies. Netanel‘s experience is not limited to small startups; he has vast experience developing large companies, in addition to significant marketing experience.

In recent years, Netanel has found himself in the capacity of business consultant to many of his friends and “his friends’ friends”, who have repeatedly sought his advice about the functioning of their companies.

Netanel established few companies and he always looks for new challenges. His current biggest challenge is Lishtot and he really wants to help the world to drink safer water.

Netanel holds several degrees: BA in Management and Marketing, Law MA, Computer Engineering.

Netanel raisch